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A blooper from LOCH 1983, from Rob Radboud's website |
Rob Radboud has so many cool stuff in his website. One of them is the Behind the Scene for LOCH 1983. Click here for the full 44 minutes of the LOCH 1983 BTS. Good that they've done the BTS in those days. Hence, while waiting for my Barbara MV to be converted etc, tor Barbara's birthday I also selected some screen caps from the LOCH 1983 BTS from Rob's website. Mostly Michael/Barbara related, but I suggest you also check the video, cos Felix had done some cute stuff there too!
There are some gems that I need to highlight. The first one is the newspaper scan above where Michael seemed to have made a blunder that caused almost every one (including Barbara who sat at his right side - or the left side of the photograph) laughing. Well, Mother Bao didn't laugh, cos she might still be pissed off with Yeung Hong's antics, but Barbara laughed!
The second one is Michael helping Barbara boarding a boat by almost swinging her as he held her waist.
Then we have Babs grinning at Michael for 1-2 seconds (GIF after these photographs):
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Michael said something here, and Barbara grinned at him |
Then Michael's Yeung Hong wig fell during the fight. That was funny!
Here Yeung Hong had a decent and fun conversation with his dad Mr Yeung (Patrick Tse).
I didn't know that Felix Wong had been wearing glasses back then! He looked cute in glasses!
Dang, it's almost midnight, and I haven't finished uploading the MV for Babs! Oh well, in Asia it's still 7 May now...
Icha, ada kabar baru, Michael Miu meranin Huang Yo Si (benar kan namanya?) / East Heretic/ Sesat Timur di LOCH 2017 kalo gak salah produksi Mainland
Winaaaaa!!! Kangeeen!!
Ya amoun, beneran?? Jadi bapaknya Wong Yung?? Oooh, beneran kudu search niy! Tx berat yaaaa!!!
Win, link nya dong, tried to find at Google, couldn't find the news...
I'd be so excited if this is true, cos Michael would be a perfect Huang Yaoshi!!
Misss you too :)
Aku baca di group facebook penggemar serial silat FB Kaypang Galery, ini linknya https://www.facebook.com/127439891133/photos/a.10152221333031134.1073741845.127439891133/10153656483761134/?type=3&theater
ada pic Michael Miu ama pemeran Huang Rong/wong Yung LOCH'17, dari pic nya keliatan Michael berkarisma ya di LOCH 17...
Aku pernah baca gak tau kebenarannya brp persen, Michael dicalonkan jadi Zhang Chui San di HSDS 86 krn bentrok jadwal ma yg lain, dgantikan ama Simon Yam, menurutku sih dr sosoknya Michael cocok juga jadi ZCS,...nggg dari news yg pake bhs Mandarin or Canton n aku translate pake Google (pusing euyyy bacanya) Felix Wong dicalonkan jadi pemeran Cheung Mo Kei/Zhang Wu ji HSDS 86, dari wawancara produser The Duke of Mount Deer 84 waktu dia dengar seniornya mo bikin HSDS 86 dia nyaranin Andy Lau, tapi endingnya Tony yg nerima, sejak dulu casting pemain itu agak ruwet ya he3x...
Menurutku, Tony bagus jadi Cheung Mo Kei. Felix emang cocok jadi Kwok Ching. Kata Michael di salah satu talk show (Felix ada juga di sana), Felix itu rada lambreto kalo ngapalin gerakan silat, jadi emang Felix cucok jadi Kwok Ching, lola. Loading lambat, hahaha!
Thanks for the info re: Michael as Huang Yaoshi yah. Aku terusin dlm bhs Inggris ya biar yang lain bisa baca. I've visited the FB page of the Kaypang Gallery, but I couldn't find the more accurate link to their statement.
I also found this news, uploaded on 11 March 2016:
Since I don't read any Chinese characters, I just google translated it:
《射雕英雄传》演员阵容:钟汉良(郭靖)、陈楚河(杨康)、赵丽颖(黄蓉)、张定涵(穆念慈)、韩栋(欧阳克)、张檬(梅超风)、唐国强(黄药师)、陈道明(段智兴)、吴宗宪(欧阳锋)、高雄(洪七公)、黄日华(郭啸天)、苗侨伟(杨铁心)、王菲(包惜弱)、陈小艺(李萍)其他演员角色待定。 微信关注:中国娱乐网
And it's said there that Felix Wong will play Guo Jing's dad Guo Xiaotian while Michael Miu will play Yang Kang's dad Yang Tiexin. If this is true, I'm so happy too!
But the actors who will play Guo Jing and Huang Rong are different from the ones mentioned here:
Cos here Li Yitong will play Huang Rong, while William Yang Xu will play Guo Jing.
Now I'm confused...
But I prefer Michael playing Huang Yaoshi, cos East Heretic (Sesat Timur) has more screen time than Yang Tiexin (who basically died early in the series)...
Kalo antara Simon Yam sbg Zhang Chui San (bokapnya Cheung Mo Kei kan?) ato Michael Miu sbg ZCS, aku setuju Michael lebih cocok. I like Simon, but i find his expressions rather lacking at times. Pas jadi pendekar kayak di LOCH n HSDS sih cocok, tapi pas jadi penjahat kayak di CLH, Simon ada bbrp saat yang kurang pas. Tapi pas di ep 39-40 sih dia sudah oke jadi penjahatnya. Cuman emang menurutku Michael lebih cocok jadi penjahat tampan, hahaha!
Hi5x... aku ngikik baca Felix "Loading lambat" jadi keingat scene Kwok Ching sempet2nya dia bisa tidur waktu dia dijebak WY pake tali, jadi keangkat dia oleh tali, kata produsernya sih, di milih Felix jadi KC karena raut wajahnya kayak orang baik2 :) kalo kata penggemar Felix sampe sekarang tuh Felix punya Work Etic yg excellent.
Dari FB Kaypang Galerry pemeran Huang Rong adalah Li Yitong, William Yang Xuwen sbg Guo Jing, Liu Dongqin sbg Yang kang
Oh ya, Icha udah liat 2011 TV show "appointment with Lu Yu" with Kent Tong di http://www.barbarayung.nl/internet/23-videos/130-2011-kent-on-talk-show
keliatan kalo sampe sekarang Kent ma Michael masih sohiban, juga ama Felix n Andy.
Ini link Barbara n Kent dansa di panggung
Hahahaha!!! Lha ya iya memang! Kwok Ching itu polos, Felix juga polos... jadi cucok!!!
Aku baru dpt konfirmasi dari temenku yang punya weibo account, emang bener kok Michael meranin Huang Yaoshi, jadi source di Kaypang Gallery bener. I just need to check it first...
asik asik asik!!! Ada serial wuxia modern (post 1980an) yang bisa gue tunggu-tunggu akhirnya...
eh, ma kasih yah link nya. Aku belon nonton yang interview sama Kent Tong... ntar kapan2 aku tonton. Aku sedih nih, malam ini kan 31 th lalu Barbara meninggal... (jam meninggal kayaknya sekitar tengah malam...)
Tapi jangan terlalu sedih ya, dulu aq jg sedih waktu liat picture five tigers menggotong peti matinya Barbara, sekarang gak liat2 lg.
Btw mungkin aku juga liat LOCH 2017 kalo udah rilis, pastinga kalo Michael jg ikutan, gak tau kenapa aku jg gak ngikutin lagi serial kungfu di TV sesudah era 80an.
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