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Barbara Yung. Always young, always beautiful |
Today, 31 years ago, Barbara Yung Mei-ling met her death.
Many fans of A-ling, as Michael Miu used to call her, speculated on what
happened, why she chose to take her own life. I’ve contemplated whether I
should write something about this. Eventually I thought that I should; hence
this post.
I wrote this post based on two of Rob Radboud’s articles.
The first one is the interview
between Barbara and Liang Pui Yee 梁佩仪 on 13 May 1985. Apparently, this was the
last interview Barbara gave in her life... The second source is the 8 April
2016 Sohucoverage on Barbara’s death. I read the Sohu coverage with a grain of salt,
for it’s a TV show anyway, and it’s bound to have mistakes or exaggeration. Sure
the article that was written by Liang Pui Yee also had some flaws, but at least
it was more verbatim from the writer’s conversation with Barbara.
I will write down here what I think about Barbara’s case. But
first, I’d like to present two facts. One:
Barbara was an illegitimate child, hence she did not have a perfect childhood. Two: Barbara was very very young when
she died. She just had her 26th birthday exactly the week before she
Assuming that Sohu is right, that Barbara had triedto take her life several times in the past, I think Barbara suffered from
depression. It is a commonly known fact that childhood experience can cause
deep trauma in one’s life and alter a person’s way of perceiving life (I
recommend Christiane Northrup’s book Women’sBodies, Women’s Wisdom for this topic, a very excellent book). I think
this depression that she couldn’t cope with triggered her decision to turn on
the gas, if that was what happened.
Now, before you think that this is a session where I renounce
my love to Barbara for turning on the gas, let me assure you: it’s not the
case. This is neither the case where I’m blaming other people for her death.
Before I resume, let me ask you: how many people hailing
from problematic childhood that you know of that is a wise woman/wise man at
the age of 25? In Dr Northrup’s book (I wrote about this book in my other blog in 2009), I found out that so many, oh, so many women (and men) lived
until they hit 60s and 70s years of their lives before they realised that they
really had to work on their issues. And this book was written in the 21st
century. What chance did troubled teenagers and young adults have back then in
the 1980s when they had depression or reach low points in their lives?
Knowing this, knowing that Barbara was very young when she
died, and that she had a far from perfect childhood, I can sympathise with
Barbara. Do I wish that she didn’t turn on the gas, if that was true? Of course
I do. Do I blame her? No, I don’t.
I actually think that Michael Miu was correct about Barbara’s
incident: she just wanted to give Kent Tong a scare. Barbara left no suicide
notes; and suicide victims usually left suicide notes. Unless the “I love you”
on the calendar is a suicide note, but I beg to differ. I think Barbara was
playing a dangerous game that night. A game that went too far... and still was
triggered by her depression.
Sounds scary... definitely too scary for our dear Wong Yung
and Song Siu Ching. But admitting the
possibility that Barbara suffered from depression is not the same as renouncing
our loves to her. It might actually help us to understand her better.
I think Barbara suffered from a lot of self-doubts. She needed
help. These days, it’s not a shame to go to a psychologist/psychiatrist to talk
about your problems. It’s relatively easy these days to get self-help on the
internet (tho internet can definitely back-fire if you visit the wrong sites). Mental
health issues have been talked a lot; discussions about one’s feelings are
encouraged without said person having a fear of being judged. Some governments
have allocated more funds for mental health research and mental health support.
But back in those 80s days? Help was much less common.
I think most of us agree that everyone can have low points
every now and then. Surely even the Buddha or Mother Theresa had his low points
before they overcame those lows. But even if they didn’t have those low points
(which I doubt), most of us mortals would.
I had mine recently this Monday when I had to apply for a
holiday visa to a developed country. The visa application system was making it
difficult for me, such that I had to extend my stay in that city (I flew into
the city in the morning to have the interview), so that I could return to the
visa office the next day with better documentations. I doubted myself, I felt
useless, I felt disabled despite my achievements (and although those
achievements are not stellar, I did obtain them through hard work!). Sure the
visa people need to improve their attitude in serving their clients; we after
all give them money, and we will spend more $$ in that specific country if our
visa is granted. But aside from that, I definitely felt so blue that day. I felt
like a failure.
After checking in at a random inn nearby the visa office, the
next day saw me still tired, but had enough sleep and enough documents to get
through the second visa interview. I still have to wait for three weeks for the
visa and passport, but I got over my blue feeling. But the point was, that was
not the first time I felt blue and useless. There were other times I felt low. I
certainly had a break down last February when some financial issues came up. But
I was lucky: I have outlets. I can talk to my friends and my dear partner. I can
open my tarot cards. I have trained myself to meditate. I have trained myself
to embrace my emotions and let go.
But that’s the gist, isn’t it? I have trained myself. Successfully
or not, I have constantly reminded myself. And again, I’m 42 years old now. I’m
not 26 years old.
The point: everyone
has their low points. And we have our own coping strategies when we have
low points. To me, the best way is to turn inwards (“soul searching” as they
call it these days), cos I find browsing the net etc. just won’t give me those
peaceful moments, the clarity and the stillness that I need. But I can say that
as a 42 years old woman. I couldn’t really say that when I was at Barbara’s age
of 25-26.
Heck, I remember clearly that I was a train wreck when I was
at her age! Back then, I had been in love with a guy for seven years... and it
was an on-again, off-again relationship. He wasn’t the best for me, but I stubbornly
refused to see that. I remember a few nights ago when I was thinking about
Barbara, I recalled who I was when I was 25-26 years old. I remember clearly
that I was clinging on to this guy, immature as I was or even more, thinking
that he was my world. I remember that I couldn’t take his flamboyant attitude
anymore and started my motorbike, speeding on the street. I almost hit a girl. Then
I stopped and cried.
I don’t remember how, but eventually I realised that he wasn’t
the best for me, and I deserved better (we’re good friends now, to my relief,
but I embrace the fact that he’s not for me). But my relationships afterwards
weren’t that smooth either. Turned out, I really had to do the soul-searching
thing, and unravelled the biggest source of my train-wreck festival: my parents’
divorce. And another thing that I’d rather not disclose here. But the thing is,
I had at least two issues I had to face before my relationship with myself was
improving. I didn’t even realise that I had those issues back then when I was
25 years old. I’m not giving excuses here, but when you come from a broken
family, you tend to project your cynicism to love, and thus ergo, you couldn’t
find your true love. Until one day you say: enough is enough. My parents can be
divorced, but it doesn’t mean I don’t deserve happiness. It doesn’t mean that I
cannot love myself.
And only by loving ourselves, by giving us time to grieve
for our past lost, by believing that we deserve happiness, etc., then someone
we love will come to us.
I think, I hope I have passed that stage of soul searching. But
I didn’t arrive there easily. I only arrived there about six years ago when I was
35-36 years old. That was ten years after the age of Barbara’s death. Even now,
I still have homeworks. I still have my self-doubts. But I’m aware that I have
those homeworks, and I can take my time to solve them.
But then again, I could do that, and many of us could do
that, because I have had help. Barbara, sadly, did not have that help.
So do I wonder why Barbara thought of committing suicide “just”
because of love?
Do I feel sorry that she thought about it, and actually did turn on the gas?
Yes. But many people, especially hailing from problematic
backgrounds, also feel that way. Many of us need help. Some of us are lucky
that we have access to the help we need. Some, like Barbara, are not that
About Barbara and
... and Kent Tong...
and Jaime Chik...
After examining stories and conversations on the web, I arrive
at this conclusion:
I don’t blame Barbara. I don’t blame Kent Tong. I don’t
think they were meant for each other, at least not at that stage, with their
emotional baggage. Both of them had to do their own soul searching first before
they could have made it together, if Barbara survived the gas incident that day
31 years ago. And again, many couples in this age bracket (20-30 years old)
have this homework, so it’s not a surprise.
Do I blame Liang Pui Yee for showing Barbara the photo of Kent Tong, Sandra Ng, Michael Miu and Jaime Chik? No.
I wish he didn’t show her that... but the reality is, Barbara did need help,
and she didn’t have the help she needed...
I certainly don’t blame Michael Miu for caring for Barbara,
but then “left” her alone for the last few months of her life. I think Michael
and Barbara were genuinely close since the time they shot LOCH 1982, and their
friendship and closeness went on until they shot Chor Lau Heung 1984 together.
That’s about three years of closeness. But since Barbara was with Kent Tong and
Michael had a girlfriend (I think Jaime at that time, though Michael also once
dated the late Anita Mui), I think Barbara
and Michael doused their potential romance. Why do I think so? Here’s
the snippet from Barbara’s last interview with Liang Pui Yee:
Barbara looked at the cup in
front of her, said slowly: "It's difficult to talk about it, I tell you,
we are good just like before, but too many things happened on me with gossip.
Sometimes they say I steal this girl's boyfriend, sometimes they say I steal
that girl's boyfriend. I don't know how to deal with it, maybe because I look
outgoing and cause all the misunderstanding."
I asked: "You mean Jaime
Barbara answered: "Oh...it's
long time ago, she did misunderstand me because she thought I would be with
Michael Miu...well, it's impossible for
me to do that."
"If she told me directly not
to get close with Michael, I would feel better...But she just complained behind
my back, I feel very uncomfortable."
Since I found Chor Lau Heung 1984 again last September, I never
once doubt that Michael cared (and still cares) for Barbara. The way he held
her close to him etc., it’s the way someone protected a person he cared the
most, if not “a lot”. Now, after reading Liang Pui Yee’s article, particularly
the bolded sentences (my own emphasise), I think there was indeed romance
budding between Michael and Barbara. The old photos between Michael and Barbara
showed that she truly cared for him too (see this MV too for some of their photos. Don't worry: all decent and all loving...). She also considered him a special
person. Their potential romance was only impossible because they both had
partners at that time. Due to their circumstances, they did not pursue the
potential romance further.
I suspect that after CLH 1984, Michael and Barbara got very
busy with their schedules (and perhaps their own love lives), hence they didn’t
really get in touch before Barbara’s death. I suspect that Michael was aware of
his closeness to Babs, hence he somewhat distanced himself out of respect of
their partners. Kent Tong once said that Michael was a perfect man... and I think
Kent might be well aware that Michael purposely let go of the slight
possibility with Barbara out of respect to, among others, Kent.
But despite all that, Barbara was still a special person for
Michael. I once saw a photo of Michael in Barbara’s funeral. He. Was. Devastated.
He cared for her, A LOT. He still does. I
think he will always care for her, though the feeling might have changed to
platonic decades ago.
I also don’t blame Michael’s then-girlfriend Jaime Chik (now
his wife of 25++ years). If the source is true (it was Barbara’s words reported
by Liang), I don’t blame Jaime Chik for once talking about Barbara’s closeness
with Michael Miu behind Barbara’s back. Jaime was about in her early twenties
back then when Michael and Barbara started to know each other. Every girl needs
to talk to someone, and especially at that age. If she did vent out her frustration
to her friends back then, I can understand that. I’m sure she was sorry when she
heard of the news that Barbara had passed away. I’m sure she and Michael talked
about Barbara a lot, before they got married and also afterwards. Jaime has
been a wonderful wife for Michael these past decades, a wonderful mother. She
helps Michael smile again after Barbara’s death. And for that, I thank her.
(read this post for my latest reconstruction of the connection between Michael and Barbara from 1982-1985)
So... what now?
It’s so easy to label depressed people as “not strong”,
particularly when that person is depressed because of love. Right, as if by
doing so help them to cope better. Only sending them to the
church/mosque/temple/etc. might not help either. It might help; the soothing atmosphere
of those holy places might help soothing the souls. But the real help is when
said people sit down with themselves and unravel their own past traumas and
overcome these traumas, firmly believing that they, like all people, deserve
love and happiness.
That support system was not widely available in Barbara’s
time. Of course she had to take control of her own happiness too; in the end, she
was the one who had to do her own homework. But she needed help to face those
issues... and it seemed she had none of those.
So I guess what I want to say is: we have low points in our
lives. We have those bad days and bad months... perhaps bad years...
But life is more than that... and each and every one of us does
deserve happiness and love.
If you’re feeling
low, seek help. Talk to someone; preferably a friend than a stranger on the
internet. I believe help is there for you to access, you just have to ask for
it first before the Universe gives it to you.
And keep believing in your dreams. Always. No matter how hard it is. No matter how many lows you have recently.
To quote the amazing Christiane Northrup from her last page of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom:
And what about Michael and Barbara?
I love them. Always. I love their series, their friendship, their whatever-type-of-love between them.
I respect Michael and Jaime Chik. A nearly 30 years of marriage deserves respect, and I gladly give them that.
I enjoy writing posts for this blog, for it brings good childhood memories to my generation. And hopefully, it will be useful for younger generations who happen to stumble upon MB series and realise what the fuss is about, why us oldies love to talk about them again and again.
And hopefully next year, when I revisit this post, I have grown more to embrace who I am as a woman, a human, a being.
May we all are full of love and light that is our essence.
Rest in peace, Barbara. Thank you for all the happiness and sweet memories you’ve given us. May you are always with the Light.
All is well.
And keep believing in your dreams. Always. No matter how hard it is. No matter how many lows you have recently.
To quote the amazing Christiane Northrup from her last page of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom:
Commit to living your dreams – one day at a time. This is the process that is required to create vibrant health in our families, our communities, and our planet. May you go forth now, to take a nap, to embrace a child, to feel the sun on your face, or to eat a good meal slowly, knowing deep within you that the next step for healing and living joyfully is already there, waiting for you to listen to it, waiting to be born into the world – through you, dear woman.
And what about Michael and Barbara?
I love them. Always. I love their series, their friendship, their whatever-type-of-love between them.
I respect Michael and Jaime Chik. A nearly 30 years of marriage deserves respect, and I gladly give them that.
I enjoy writing posts for this blog, for it brings good childhood memories to my generation. And hopefully, it will be useful for younger generations who happen to stumble upon MB series and realise what the fuss is about, why us oldies love to talk about them again and again.
And hopefully next year, when I revisit this post, I have grown more to embrace who I am as a woman, a human, a being.
May we all are full of love and light that is our essence.
Rest in peace, Barbara. Thank you for all the happiness and sweet memories you’ve given us. May you are always with the Light.
All is well.
1 comment:
Tx for the article... she is my fave until now...
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