Friday 29 April 2016

"The Wandering Life Before You" - a Chor Lau Heung 1984 MV

I've replaced the MV yesterday (30.04) due to mis-spelling in Ibuki Satsuki's name.

"The Wandering Life Before You" - a Chor Lau Heung 1984 MV from Icha74 on Vimeo.

"The New Adventures of Chor Lau Heung" 1984 has been the only version of Chor Lau Heung that I've ever watched. However, a few weeks ago I came across the OST of the 1979 Chor Lau Heung, starring by Adam Cheng (and OST sung by the same actor). Now, as with many multi-version series, fans of CLH 1984 have their own opinions of CLH 1979 and vice versa. Just like fans of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice 1995 vs Pride and Prejudice 2005. Or Ben Affleck's Batman vs Christian Bale's Batman. Etc etc etc. Now, although I haven't watched CLH 1979, I do plan to buy the DVD hence I can have my own informed opinion about it. I do like the 1979 OST, and I think that should be enough to start watching the series. Lyrics, translation and the original OST MV are below the break.

I couldn't find the translation of the 1979 Chor Lau Heung theme, marvelously performed by Adam Cheng. Hence I pestered my good friends Li Qian and Meenchee again for translation. The result is our combined efforts, peppered with my interpretation after consulting my co-translators. Jyutping romanisation is from MDBG, all mistakes are my own (and please correct me for I don't speak Cantonese at all). 

"The Wandering Life Before You" - a Chor Lau... by icha74

After translating the lyrics, I realised how similar the 1979 OST with the 1984 OST of Chor Lau Heung, which means both series pretty much agreed with the general characters of Chor Lau Heung. However, I also noticed some differences. The 1979 lyrics pretty much made CHL a man who cast away love, whereas the 1984 lyrics did not claim this. Instead, the 1984 lyrics acknowledged the sadness and difficulties in life, while also attempting to face these adversities with a positive attitude. Somehow, I like the 1984 note better. Chor Lau Heung was, after all, famous for being a ladies-man. Casting away amorous love like Buddha didn't seem to fit his description. He would overcome life's dramas with a smile, yes, but he wouldn't cast away love.

That was why I took the title "The Wandering Life Before You" for this MV, for I can see how the 1984 Chor tai-gor did somewhat feel unaffected by amorous love before meeting Song Siu Ching. However, after meeting the girl, his life took a different route. Hence no Siu Ching in this MV but in the last scene. In her stead, I put Wu Tit Fa, Fell Cut, Master Yuen Hsu of Wutang, and Chor tai-gor's other friends. I thus like this MV because it gives a different note to the CLH/SSC interactions that I usually presented in my CLH MVs. Despite the different note, I hope you like this MV too! After all, an MV featuring Wu Tit Fa is long overdue...

Oh, and I have the scene where Lingering Fragrance and the Drunkard swam bare-chested in the river. That should be quite fun to watch!

The beautiful artworks are from Deviant artist Xuedaixun (artworks 1 and 3), Ibuki Satsuki (artworks 2 and 5) and an anon artist (artwork 4 - please let me know if you know the artist's identity). Although Chor tai-gor was not a drunkard, I really like Xuedaixun's artwork of a tai-hap looking at the moon with some wine jars around him (first artwork in the MV), hence I used it for the opening scene of the MV. We can always pretend that Wu Tit Fa just left the scene, and it was his jars that lay on the ground!

Below is the original OST of Chor Lau Heung 1979 that I sourced as my music file (Tomoyo is always a great MV artist...). The lyrics and translation are below the original video. The song is so classical of the 80s; it even has the trumpets and drums! The trumpets particularly reminds me of the Voltes V anime series (Asians of my age will know what I'm talking about), for Voltes V OSTs are full of trumpets. Classics...

Chor Lau Heung 1979 

Singer: Adam Cheng
Writer: James Wong
Composer and arranger: Joseph Koo

湖海洗我胸襟 河山飄我影蹤 
Wu hoi sai ngo hung kam, ho saan piu ngo jing zung, 
The lakes and the ocean wash my heart, the rivers and mountains float me away, 

雲彩揮去卻不去   贏得一身清風
Wan coi fai heoi koek bat heoi, jing dak jat san ceng fung
Clouds dispersing yet not truly gone, the cool breeze wins over my body 

塵沾不上心間 情牽不到此心中
Can zim bat soeng sam gaan, cing hin bat dou ci sam zung
Impurities do not taint my heart, love does not reach my heart

來得安去也寫意 人生休說苦痛
Loi dak ngon heoi jaa se ji, jan saang jau seoi fu tung
Born peacefully, die gracefully, no grievance in life  

聚散匆匆莫牽掛 未記風波中英雄勇
Zeoi saan cung cung mou hin gwaa, mei gei fung bo zung jing hung jung
No concerns about unions and separations, no need to remember my heroic deeds

就讓浮名 輕拋劍外
Zau joeng fau meng, hing paau gim ngoi
I cast away my undeserved fame more than (I cast away) my sword* 

Cin saan ngo duk hang bat bit soeng sung
I’m traveling the thousand mountains alone, no need to see me off

Ah... duk hang bat bit soeng sung
Ah... no need to see me off

Second repeat:

塵沾不上心間 情牽不到此心中
Can zim bat soeng sam gaan, cing hin bat dou ci sam zung
Impurities do not taint my heart, love does not reach my heart

來得安去也寫意 人生休說苦痛
Loi dak ngon heoi jaa se ji, jan saang jau seoi fu tung
Born peacefully, die gracefully, no grievance in life  

聚散匆匆莫牽掛 未記風波中英雄勇
Zeoi saan cung cung mou hin gwaa, mei gei fung bo zung jing hung jung
No concerns about unions and separations, no need to remember my heroic deeds

就讓浮名 輕拋劍外
Zau joeng fau meng, hing paau gim ngoi
I cast away my undeserved fame more than (I cast away) my sword* 

Cin saan ngo duk hang bat bit soeng sung
I’m traveling the thousand mountains alone, no need to see me off

Ah... duk hang bat bit soeng sung

Ah... no need to see me off


* I am not certain whether my interpretation is correct here. It can be interpreted as "I cast away my name/fame outside the sword" or "I cast away my name/fame other than the sword". Both sentences did not make sense to me, particularly because Chor Lau Heung did not use a sword as his signature weapon (the Gu Long CLH used a fan, while the 1984 CLH used his bare hands or some non-poisonous throwing needles). Hence, I interpreted the 就讓浮名 輕拋劍外 line as "casting away one's fame/name more than casting away one's sword". Feel free to educate me on this matter.

Update 13 April 2017

I found another 楚留香 sung by Michael Kwan. It's a nice one, and I've added it, and also Adam Cheng's version, to my 80s Jianghu OST playlist


Anonymous said...

Just last month, I heard Opening song Voltes V n Ending song Voltes V
Aku baca translate lagu openingnya, menyentuh artinya, membangkitkan semangat

Icha said...

Oalah... Generasi Voltes juga toh!! Voltes Five!!'

Hey, when Michael took a bath in the river in this MV, he wasn't as well built as he is these days. Guess back then in the 80s, his figure was already built. Now I think he was a bit thin (still more built than Tony, but compared to actors these days, Michael wasn't that built back then. Nice arms tho...^_^

Anonymous said...

Aq nonton Voltes V d rumah sepupu, sepertinya pas kelas 1 SD, paling ingat sih Google V :)
Yaah mbak Icha atau icha aja deh, th 80 an gak ada yg built bgt or six pack, rata2 kurus, Bruce Lee kayaknya yg built, dia kan master kungfu, but still Michael has nice figure :)

Anonymous said...

Ini link Five Tigers in tight XD
Five Tigers (Michael, Kent, Felix,Andy, Tony) was my childhood Idol
The Show called 1983’s TVB All Star Challenge
beritanya disini

Icha said...

Hahaha! Iya ya.... those days, most actors didn't have six packs (but they were still gorgeous!). kayaknya kita ada distorsi image nih, kasihan para aktor jaman dulu, dibilang kurus... padahal akting mereka bagus-bagus yah (I'll choose them with their great acting skills anytime over their absent six-packs...).

Panggil gue Icha aja. Gue kelahiran 74; paling kita deketan umurnya...

Tapi the link doesn't work euy...

Anonymous said...

Oh ya ini link nya
pertama kali ngeliat Oh My They're in thights
I definitely agree with "I'll choose them with their great acting skills anytime over their absent six-packs" mereka gak kurus kok cuma langsing he3x...
Aq udah ngira2 umur mbak icha eh icha (kok kedengaran gak sopan ya...) dg username icha74, umur kita tuh bedanya misal kalo mbak icha eh icha SMA saya masih SMP :)

Icha said...

hahaha!!! Musiknya bener-bener 80an yaaa!! Total 80s music!

Which one was Michael? Aduh mak, can't stand the red tights! My eyes, my eyes...!!

Eh, I think Michael was the one riding the bike... hahaha they're so cute!

Reminds me of the Little Tigers (Nicky Wu, Alec Su and Julian).

ha... Wina bisa panggil aku Icha kok kalo mau... kayaknya agak aneh kalo di online panggil Mbak... so what, we're 4-6 years apart?

I'm trying to see in the video which one was Michael. They shot the faces of Andy, Ken Tong, Felix and Tony, but I haven't seen Michael in minute 2:41 yet...

Anonymous said...

Ha5x... aku ingat pas aku kecil suka musik ini, versi barat....Pertama kali nonton video ini, aku agak tercengang sekaligus ngikik, so hilarious XD... tapi mereka lumayan berotot (eh yg paling keliatan Andy) lho walau gak six packs n aku juga kagum ma akrobatik n kerja sama mereka n yes, They're so cute...Mereka berempat masih akrab sampe sekarang minus Tony, Tony memang orangnya pendiam banget...
Michael tuh di menit 0:12, 0:29, iya dia yg naik sepeda, 2:07, banyak kok, di menit 6:59 Michael looked cute to Andy, Tony juga di menit 7:23....Felix kelatan lucu di menit 7.31...Kedengarannya Andy dipanggil Wa Cai sama Michael, kira2 Cai itu artinya boy/ anak laki2 kecil (kalo Icha belum tahu)Aku juga tahu karena baca2 :)
Iya Icha kita beda antara 4-6 th