Saturday 7 May 2016

Barbara Yung's hair styles in her series

Today is Barbara Yung's 57th birthday. I almost missed it; I thought it would be tomorrow (8 May). Good thing I checked, otherwise I'd beat myself for missing it. 

I have three posts for Barbara and us her fans: her hairstyle (this post), an MV for her and a bit of LOCH 1983 Behind the Scenes with some Michael as Yeung Hong there. Let's see if I can post all before midnight, for it's less than 1.5 hours before midnight here in Australia. 

For the first post, I have some shots of her various hair styles, including the unused hair style from LOCH 1983. Which one do you like the best? 

I definitely like her Wong Yung hair style the best (the published version), though I also love her Chun Sik Sik style. I place her Song Siu Ching style after the WY and CSS. I also like her Lam Chor Yin style. 

Barbara had the best hair style as Wong Yung, IMO

The voluminous hair of Wong Yung
Wong Yung once pretended to be a servant to help Guanying and Yaojia. I like her servant hair style here; so cute!

Thanks to Rob Radboud, I found out that Wong Yung was supposed to have a different hair style in LOCH 1983. I'm glad the director ditched this hair style, for it did not reflect WY's cheerful attitude. 

The original hair style design for Wong Yung. It's still pretty...
... but this hair style is more for Sik Sik than Wong Yung

Speaking of Chun Sik Sik, I'm so glad that Barbara took this role, for Sik Sik was so different from Wong Yung. It shows how versatile Babs was. I love Sik Sik's hair style for it suited the character well. By the way, Sik Sik had two hair styles in The Foundation 1984. The first one is where she split her hair into two low tails as shown here:

Sik Sik's double pony tail, from here

After she started dating Michael's Li Sai Man, the low pony tails were gone. Instead, she let her hair down like this below. I find that I like her two pony tails style better.

By the way, Sai Man was such a hottie!

After Wong Yung and Sik Sik, comes Song Siu Ching's hair style. Sometimes I still wish that Siu Ching adopted Wong Yung's hair style... but SC was more mature than WY, so the former's hair style actually suited her.

Then we have Barbara's Qing style as Lam Chor Yin. She has two styles: when she was not yet properly married to Michael's Szeto Man Mo, and when she was already married after all those ups and downs of their relationship. I love the little pleats that framed her cute face!

Pre-marriage, Chor Yin tied her hair in a low pony tail (unseen here)

The chignon-ed Madame Szeto beating up her husband. They were so cute!

Then we venture out to series that I haven't seen (hiks), but I still need to upload here for I love Babs' hair styles there. The first one is her curly, doll-like style from United We Stand 1984. 

Did she use her own hair here? So lovely...
Babs' hair isn't obvious here, but I like her blue hat

Barbara also portrayed the twin of this character (have to search for her name here) in United We Stand. Her twin was a tomboy who couldn't care less about her appearances, hence she just did her hair in two simple ponytails here. Definitely she was using her own hair here.

Barbara was an amazing actress. She successfully portrayed a smart brat-turned heroine called Wong Yung with her habit of pretending to bite people's nose. Then she portrayed a reserved Sik Sik. Then a mature but sparky Song Siu Ching. Then we have this character, which I don't recognise, but I bet she was even more mature than Sik Sik and Siu Ching. Looks like a queen here, or at least a high-rank royalty. Well, Barbara is our queen, so there you go...

Update 8 May'16: This one might be from the Battlefield (楚河漢界, Chu River and Han Border) 1985 series. Barbara was an imperial spy but she was killed in the series. Still, might worth a look.

Barbara with possibly her Battlefield 楚河漢界 costume

Update 14 May'16: OMG... I just realised that the Battlefield was the last series that Barbara was fully involved with before her death... This is sad...

I also found this hair style while watching the LOCH 1983 Behind the Scene from Rob Radboud's site. Sorry I can't screen cap without the "play" icon there... not sure what the series is called either. Perhaps it was the earlier design of Wong Yung's hair from the LOCH 1983?

And last but not least, Barbara portrayed this lovely white-dressed girl in yet another series I haven't watched. Her hair style is standard, but again she looked different (but still lovely) with this hair style. Apparently, I still have several Barbara series to catch up....

Happy 57th birthday, Barbara. May you be in peace up there...


  1. Barbara will always looks young and beautiful in our hearts.
    seem like it was only yesterday to see her smiling so brightly..

    thank you for this blog, really helps to bring me back to the past years.

  2. You're welcome, Anon! I'm still not sure what to post on Saturday cos it will be her death commemoration/contemplation, but I will come up with something that is not so sad...

  3. I wonder how is she looks like if she still alive today ...

    About the hairstyle, I like Wong Yung hairstyle at the most.
    Anyway, her ponytail was about similar compared with her other TV series. was it her real hair / ponytail ?

  4. Thanks a lot for your comment, Grace. I also wonder how she'd look like if she was still alive today... Perhaps looking at Maggie Chang Man Yi is a good comparison, for they're about the same age, and Maggie ages gracefully. I think Barbara would age gracefully too...

    I think Barbara had two series where she had low ponytails: the Foundation as Sik Sik, and the United We Stand (I don't recall the name of that character, but she's a twin). That's a good point actually, I will upload that second ponytail style into this post.

    Grace orang Indonesia? Kalo mau bahasa Indonesia, juga gapapa kok. Tapi kalo nulis bhs Inggris, ntar teman-teman lain yg non Indonesian juga jadi bisa komentar...jadi bagus krn lebih interaktif. Terserah Grace.

    Thanks ya!

  5. Hai Icha,

    Iya, td nemu blog ini dari forum LI.
    Salam kenal ya...
    ntar kalo sempet pengen re-run serial2nya lagi... it has been a long time ago since the last time i watch these old series.

    you speak cantonese ?

  6. salam kenal balik, Grace...

    No unfortunately i don't speak Cantonese! :-(

    Utk naruh Yale ato Jyutping romanisation di music video ku aja aku deg-degan... tapi orang suka kalo aku taruh romanisation sama English sub nya di MV. Grace, do you speak Cantonese?

  7. bisa ngerti dikit2lah, tp ga pede utk conversation krn aksen Cantonese itu rada susyah nadanya hehehe...

    dulu aku sempet kliping berita2nya Barbara dari majalah, tp udah lupa dimana nyimpennya :(

    tyt banyak serialnya yg aku blum nonton nih.. yg paling berkesan cuman WongYung & Princess Siu Ching.

  8. asyiiiik! Jadi ada yang bisa koreksi aku... Kalo ada kesalahan, jangan segan-segan kasih tahu ya? Biasanya di category MV (music video) aku taruh Cantonese romanisations.

    Sayang kliping beritamu ttg Barbara udah hilang... kalo tau-tau nemu, share ya, ntar aku taruh di sini (acknowledging you as the source of course!).

    FD bagus, Barbara lucu di situ, tapi terus ntar dia jadi lebih dewasa. The Foundation bagus juga, walo sedih banget akhirnya. Barbara beda banget perannya di situ, jadi gadis desa lugu. Bagus sih dia ambil peran itu, aku jadi tau kalo dia versatile banget, bisa meranin macem-macem...

  9. iya, beres.... klipingnya jadi benda bersejarah deh ... hehe
    jaman itu heboh banget berita kematiannya, soalnya lg ngetop2nya si Barbara.

    karakter WongYung n Princess Siu Ching mirip2, centil bingitsss
    kalo ga salah Barbara lulusan seni di London, n mmg aktingnya bagus bisa bawain peran apa aja..

  10. oh, aku ga nyadar Barbara di London itu belajar seni... Kirain belajar apa yang lain gitu. Dia dulu punya pacar orang Belanda (baik sih orangnya), tapi terus putus. Sedih banget si Rob itu begitu tau Barbara meninggal (dua tahun setelah Babs meninggal baru tau!). Aku waktu itu "baru" umur 11 tahun pas dia meninggal, jadi aku rada ga ngeh. Cuman berasa sedih aja ga bisa liat dia akting lagi waktu itu.

    Sedih benerannya baru bbrp bulan lalu pas mulai nonton Pendekar Harum lagi. Dan sekarang juga, soalnya Sabtu ini commemoration meninggalnya dia...

    Siu Ching emang centil abis, tapi baru bbrp bulan lalu (setelah bener2 nonton LOCH 82) aku nyadar kalo dia masih lebih dewasa dari Wong Yung. Tapi dua karakter itu emang cute abis!

  11. Rob itu siapa ya ?

    eh sama dong, jaman Barbara meninggal itu aku msh SD kelas 2 kalo ga salah inget..hehehe

    dulu wkt nonton serialnya masih pake video betamax, n kaga detail nontonnya maklum masih anak2 :p
    ntar mesti cari waktu yg bener2 luang kudu nonton lagi deh..

    Michael Miu kliatan lbh ganteng pake kostum silat ya.. palagi CLH, gayanya keren banget kalo ngelus rambutnya.. senyumnya mencuri hatikuuuu.. wakakakakkk

  12. Hahaha! Ternyata kita satu generasiiii!

    Rob Radboud itu mantan pacarnya Barbara di Belanda. Dia punya banyak foto Barbara sebelum jadi beken

    Michael emang cuakep buanget kalo pake kostum silat... apalagi yang gaya Han (model Yeung Hong & Chor Lau Heung). Asli aku bersalah cinta berat sama dia, kasian pacarku sendiri, hahaha!

    Tapi Michael juga sedih banget pas Barbara meninggal. Aku sempat liat fotonya dia di misa di gereja pas ndoain Barbara, aduh mukanya sedih banget... sampe aku tutup browser-ku krn kasihan, ga tahan ngeliatnya...

    Aku dulu pake VHS, soalnya punyanya VHS player. Yang segede batu bata gitu... cobaaa waktu itu aku simpan baik-baik...(ato aku sewa ya? Sewa kayaknya instead of beli).

    Nonton beneran harus disisihin waktu, soalnya kalo enggak, bisa binge-watching and guilty feeling krn ninggalin macem-macem... I binge-watched CLH in like 4 days, asli teler... tapi ga bisa berhenti...

  13. Yg segede batu bata itu kasetnya bukan playernya kan ? wakakakakkk...

    seandainya disimpan pun skrg ini udah ga ada playernya lagi, n pita kasetnya biasanya rusak karena jamuran :( :(

    Barbara sering kena gosip, pernah juga digosipin ama Michael Miu.
    Sampe sekarang penyebab kematiannya masih misterius, antara bunuh diri ato mmg kecelakaan gas di apartment nya bocor.
    Byk yg berasumsi bunuh diri, krn wkt itu lagi berantem ama pacarnya Kent Tong.

  14. haha, iya, yg segede batu bata itu kasetnya... playernya lebih gede lagi...and berat bo! Iya sih, pasti kena jamur, 30 tahun bo... (eh, kayaknya aku lebih tua dari Grace deh, kalo pas Babs meninggal Grace baru kelas dua... huhuhu...).

    Aku abis baca artikel di websitenya Rob ttg interview terakhir Barbara (asli, tgl 13 Mei 1985, terakhir banget!) di rumah dia sendiri:

    dan juga ada coverage di Sohu TV Januari lalu ttg meninggalnya Barbara:

    I think I know what I will write tomorrow... I will write what I think about Bab's "suicide"/"accident". In essence, menurutku semua orang punya masalah, and we more than once hit the low points in our lives. I don't judge Barbara for what she did or not did that day... I could have been in the same position too if I was in her position with her family background etc. So... yeah... I've been avoiding writing about this, but I guess it's time to write it.

    Kasihan juga sih Kent Tong, disalahin banyak orang. Michael juga sempet kena semprot fans nya Babs waktu itu (sampe sekarang juga). Anyway... lots to think about.

    Jadi kalo wartawan yang wawancara Babs nelpon dia jam 11:30 pm tgl 13 Mei, dan Babs udah ga jawab, mungkin benernya dia udah meninggal waktu itu... sedih...

  15. Saya juga penggemar berat barbara as wong yung

    Leonarto 08983327444

    Buat yang nyari LOTCH 1983 15 keping DVD9 copy ori , bisa hubungi saya


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