Saturday 21 May 2016

"Kindred Spirits" - a Chor Lau Heung 1984 MV

"Kindred Spirits" - a Chor Lau Heung 1984 MV from Icha74 on Vimeo.

I first found Tanya Chua from her “Love is Beautiful” a few years ago when I was watching a Nicky Wu/Liu Shi Shi MV. I didn’t realise at that time that it was Tanya’s song that was used as the background music. Recently I used “Love is Beautiful” for an MV for Barbara Yung’s birthday. Ever since, I’ve been listening to Tanya’s songs via Spotify. That was when I found “異類的同類 (Yìlèi de tónglèi)”. The official title is “Strange Species” from her latest album Aphasia. Although the songs in Aphasia are different from Tanya’s previous offerings, I still like the album for its different concept (I’m not the only one, see this review, for instance). When I read one of Tanya’s interviews about 異類的同類 and Aphasia, I realised why the official title includes the word “species”.

Despite its modern terminology, I like the techno rhythm of “Strange Species”. For some reasons I thought it would make a fine Chor Lau Heung MV, but some tweaks needed to be done for the effects. After I translated the lyrics with Meenchee’s kind help, I realised that the song fit CLH/SSC perfectly. I still had to use some effects for this MV below, and I have very limited effects at my disposal with Windows Live Movie Maker. Nonetheless, I’m pretty pleased with the resulting MV. I hope you like it too. Lyrics and translations are below the break.

The premise is that CLH and SSC are kindred spirits, and Siu Ching was that particular person that truly could see Chor Lau Heung’s sorrows. I’ve said this before: I like it that Siu Ching witnessed CLH’s mistakes that led to the Kam tragedy. The mistake made us and SC realise that CLH was not perfect, yet we (and SC) love him anyway. But then there’s this stubbornness in Siu Ching’s character that made her pulled silent treatments to Chor tai-gor every now and then. Though Chor tried to ignore her antics, at times he can’t help feeling helpless as well. At a simpler level, the MV also tells the story of CLH in despair when he couldn't trace down SC's whereabouts after she was kidnapped by Fell Cut in Ep 16.

I chose to translate 異類的同類 as “Kindred Spirits”, for I feel it more suitable for the CLH/SSC story. 快樂或頹廢 (Kuàilè huò tuífèi) is supposed to be translated as “happiness or sorrow”, yet I chose to translate it as “For better, for worse” for its simplicity yet it can still convey the overall meaning.

"Kindred Spirits" - a Chor Lau Heung 1984 MV by icha74

蔡健雅 Tanya Chua -[異類的同類/Strange Species]

我的虛榮 我的詞窮 尷尬面孔
Wǒ de xūróng  wǒ de cí qióng gāngà miànkǒng
My vanity stumped my face, so embarrassed

委屈笑容 怎麼不同 唯有你懂
Wěiqu xiàoróng zěnme bùtóng wéi yǒu nǐ dǒng
Only you know the difference between my grievance and smile

異類的同類 眼淚 和汗水
Yìlèi de tónglèi yǎnlèi hé hànshuǐ
The tears and sweat of the kindred spirit

快樂或頹廢 只為 有你陪
Kuàilè huò tuífèi zhǐ wèi yǒu nǐ péi
For better, for worse, I just want your company

你我同屬 一種生物
Nǐ wǒ tóng shǔ yīzhǒng shēngwù
You and I are kindred spirits

用肌膚 掩飾住 真面目
Yòng jīfū yǎnshì zhù zhēnmiànmù
We hide our true colours under the skin

你是誰不清楚 默契確認無誤
Nǐ shì shuí bù qīngchǔ mòqì quèrèn wúwù
Don’t really know you, but our connection is undeniable

好無助 好可惡 在何處
Hǎo wú zhù hǎo kěwù zài hé chù
So helpless, so detestable, so lost

I don’t know where to find you 唉
I don’t know where to find you 唉

I’ll find you find you
I’ll find you find you

城市牢籠 無所適從 寂寞慫恿
Chéngshì láolóng wúsuǒshìcóng jìmò sǒngyǒng
The crowds trigger the lonely feeling of being trapped

總會相逢 與我相同 相同品種
Zǒng huì xiāngféng yǔ wǒ xiāngtóng xiāngtóng pǐnzhǒng
I will eventually meet my kindred spirit

異類的同類 你會 是結尾
Yìlèi de tónglèi nǐ huì shì jiéwěi
You’re the end of my search for a kindred spirit

快樂或頹廢 只為 這一回
Kuàilè huò tuífèi zhǐ wèi zhè yī huí
For better, for worse, just for this life time

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  1. Hi, aq liat d beberapa MV Chor Lau Heung, memang Michael keliatan dashing :)

  2. Hahaha... ya begitulah Oom Michael emang cute, dan sampe sekarang masih ajah ("Oom"...padahal gue juga udah 'tante'). Makanya aku njagain "toko" blog ini karena dia dulu ahoy, dan sekarang juga masih ahoy!

    Eh, aku nemun HSDS 86 Cantonese with English sub di Dailymotion!! Aku bisa nonton yayangmu Bang Tony! Ntar ya Win, aku kelarin Langya Bang (Nirvana in Fire) dulu, baru balik lagi taon 80an ke HSDS.

  3. Hahaha...kok jadi yayang2an, Tony tuh seumur om aku :) but still He's so cute (in his days), aku juga uda jadi tante, yach uda pada "tua" :p .... aku jadi pengen beli DVD CLH.

  4. Masak Tony "setua" itu sih? Dia kan lebih muda dari Bang Michael?

    Halah, sesama tante-tante aja, wajarlah kita suka sama yang udah 50an ke atas, hahaha!

    Iya, kau nontonlah CLH, aku nonton HSDS, jadi ntar diskusinya klop, hehehe!

  5. Ha5x...Michael 50th lebih ya, tua ya :p kalo nonton series mereka, ngrasa kembali ke masa SD...trakhir kali ngeliat Michael di Movie Brothers, tp uda lupa critanya, kurang berkesan.

  6. Michael tuh udah 57 taon lagi (18 June 1958). Bentar lagi ultah ke-58 diaaa! Barusan cek, Tony umurnya 53 (27 June 1962). Lha, deketan ternyata mereka lahirannya! Baru liat foto Tony baru-baru ini, dia mulai mirip sama dosen kenalanku yg dari Mainland, hehehe...

    Kalo dari temen2 yang demen sama Michael n Barbara, mereka bilang setelah Barbara meninggal, Michael mainnya kurang menggigit. Sedih berat kayaknya krn teman baik dia pergi (nangis deh)... Michael sih bilang, sebelum dia pensiun tahun 1987 dia emang udah ngerasa ga gitu ada arahan di dunia film, makanya dia pensiun. Menurutku pribadi, mungkin dia shock juga krn Barbara pergi, jadi dia juga mempertanyakan sejatinya seorang aktor itu ngapain sih... begitu...

  7. Iya Michael 57 th he3x... jauh bgt umurnya dg aku, jg dg mu... aku ngerasa series wuxia di atas th 1987 produksi TVB kurang menarik...aku baca Barbara bagi Michael seperti teman cowok, pastilah dia kehilangan bgt.

  8. Yeah, Michael sama aku beda 15 taon lah, hehehe... (kayak kenal aja!)

    Iya setelah masuk tahun 1990an, wuxia TVB kurang asyik. Aku juga terus sibuk sama sekolah dll, dan jadi lupa nonton lagi (karena kurang asyik juga). Taun 2000an juga wuxia nya masih banyak hit and miss (both Mainland, HK or Taiwan). Baru-baru ini aja keren banget cinematography nya (Nirvana in Fire keren banget sinematografinya; warna, musik, n kostumnya keren abis). Yang kurang jaman sekarang dibanding 80an terutama adalah adegan silatnya, yang terlalu banyak slow motions n ganti-ganti angle kamera (jadi malah kurang asik). Dan yang paling bikin bete: terlalu banyak pake kabel!! Jaman 80an dong, lompat ya lompat beneran, ga perlu kabel segala!

    Menurutku, Barbara n Michael pernah ada rasa. Dari foto2 off screen mereka keliatan kalo Michael care banget sama Barbara, dan Barbara juga nyaman dengan Michael. Tapi ga kemudian dilanjutkan krn dua-duanya punya pacar lain... tapi mereka tetep temenan baik.

    Makanya Michael terpukul banget pas Barbara meninggal. Dia baru mau diwawancarai soal Barbara tahun 1996an, 11 tahun setelah Barbara pergi...sekarang sih dia udah okelah, namanya juga udah lama. Tapi pas dulu itu, duh, kasihan banget...

  9. Icha bagi bagi link berita tentang Michael say
    Terutama pas barbara meninggal
    Soalnya saya juga ngearas Michael punya rasa sama barbara pandangan beda ada hati sama barbara
    Sayang merak tidak berjodoh
    Padhal cocok banget mereka bersama

  10. Minta foto foti mereka pas off screen icha

  11. Hi Unknown,

    Di link itu ada foto2 off screen MB... thanks ya for reading!


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