Sunday 22 November 2015

‘The Days of Happy Laughters’ – the Foundation 1984 happy OST

The Foundation 1984 has three main tracks, all sung by Michelle Pau. The opening and end credits are sad, but the third one has a very happy note. It was played during the first real date between Li Sai Man (Michael Miu) and Chun Sik Sik (Barbara Yung) in Episode 4. I said “the first real date” because by this time, Sai Man no longer pretended that he was a jerk just to evade his brother’s spies. It was like, “Screw this. I’m dating her and I will just cherish her presence and make her laugh!”  Hence the song and the scene, which I successfully uploaded to YouTube (TVB, please don’t tell me to delete it later, it’s only 2.5 minutes anyway...). Edit: TVB blocked it, so I moved it to Dailymotion. If it's blocked again, I will just post the video on my public Dropbox domain... (Jeepers, I'm not even trying to sell anything here!)

Michelle Pau The Foundation 1984 "The Days of... by icha74

The original lyrics are found at Musixmatch and SPCNET (the Musixmatch missed the last line). The English translation is also provided in the second version of the video. The song is a happy one indeed. It shows how Li Sai Man truly loved  Sik Sik and just wanted to make her happy...

Sai Man trying to kiss the blushing Sik Sik, Ep 4

The Days of Happy Laughters (今天開心笑)

和你今天开心笑  (laughing happily with you today)
焕发笑浪潮 (the wave of glowing laughters)
由衷欢声喜衬美妙 (happy and sincere shouts of joy) 
心里轻飘飘 (floating hearts)

原野都仿似一起笑 (The wilderness seems to laugh together with us)
泛满快乐潮 (full of happiness)
奇花涌出千美百艳 (a hundred flowers blossom together)  
陪着痴人痴了 (accompanying us, the silly idiots) 


但愿你我日日欢情长 (I hope that our love will last forever) 
共聚分享春日耀 (to share the spring days with you) 
但愿过去旧事都不记 (I hope you let go all your past)
前梦已是忘了 (and forget all unfulfilled dreams)
啊啊 (ah, ah...)

和你天天开心笑 (to laugh merrily everyday with you)
为你心倾了 (my heart is for only you)
还愿你一生也记住 (I hope you remember this forever)
長為斯人心照 (the extent of my unspoken truth)

原野都仿似一起笑 (The wilderness seems to laugh together with us)
泛满快乐潮 (full of happiness)
奇花涌出千美百艳 (a hundred flowers blossom together)  
陪着痴人痴了 (accompanying us, the silly idiots) 


但愿你我日日欢情长 (I hope that our love will last forever) 
共聚分享春日耀 (to share the spring days with you) 
但愿过去旧事都不记 (I hope you let go all your past)
前梦已是忘了 (and forget all unfulfilled dreams)
啊啊 (ah, ah...)

和你天天开心笑 (to laugh merrily everyday with you)
为你心倾了 (my heart is for only you)
还愿你一生也记住 (I hope you remember this forever)
長為斯人心照 (the extent of my unspoken truth)

Days of Happy Laughters Eng sub by icha74

Edit 27 Nov 2015:

My friend Meenchee provided me with her translation. Since some of the translations were literal, I have hence combined her translations with some of mine (very little bit) to arrive at the translation above. I hope the current version makes more sense...


  1. I love their first date so much! And the part where LSM tried to kiss SS! I dream that over and over again. Plus this makes me happy and forget that he did kill her!! How can I be so happy and sad at the same time??!! Thanks so much gals for taking the time to translate this. After nearly 30 years I finally know what the song is saying. Ive always love it, and now I fall for it all over again. XOXO

  2. Thank you so much, Ha! I love this scene as well. One of my favourite in TF in addition to the scene where LSM was injured because of protecting SS... That injured scene was so profound, because afterwards he actually called her in his fever and thought that Miss Tao was Sik Sik... that was the culmination of their relationship. Whereas the hill trip was the beginning of them dating... sigh...


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