Friday 20 November 2015

CLH 1984 ep 40 screen shots: the final boat scene

Chor Lau Heung (Michael Miu) and Song Siu Ching (Barbara Yung), final scene, Ep 40

I still want to finish capturing some scenes from The Foundation 1984, but since it's so sad, I'm taking a break for a few days. Since I have been wanting to do screen shots for the last scene of Chor Lau Heung 1984, I figure out that this would be a good, happy break from the Foundation. This post is best read after reading/watching the screen caps of the previous CLH/SC scene, i.e. the garden scene (click here). The boat scene that I refer to here started after Chor tai-gor realised that he didn't hear any commotion outside, though he had asked So Yung Yung, Li Hung Chao and Sung Tim Yi to prepare the boat for sailing. 

He heard someone calling him from outside
"Could it be her??"
He dashed off outside in lightning speed...
...hoping that Siu Ching was outside
But he only saw the three girls grinning at him
Hence he had to swallow his disappointment
CLH inner monologue: "Idiot! She's not coming. Stop dreaming!"
"Face the fact. She's not coming..."
Hence he turned away to hide his disappointment
But we saw his dismay...
...although he was being super nice to Wah Jan Jan who surprisingly was behind him
and, true to himself, he poured Jan Jan some wine...
Yet he placed the wine flask with a thud when he saw Siu Ching
and he was very pleasantly surprised to see her there

his beautiful girl Siu Ching

He dashed towards her, his beautiful Siu Ching
the girl who finally kept her promise...
...of spending the rest of her life with him

He silently and happily agreed with her decision
and when the other girls said they'd stick with him too...

he looked at the blushing Siu Ching again

and smiled to the other girls, but I think it's more because...

...Chor Lau Heung now had Song Siu Ching with him


  1. Best Happy Ending! Boy oh Boy I wish there was more after this. I wish there was a wedding!!! and a BABY! Ohhhh wait..there is! Thank you Icha! XOXOXOXOXOXOXxoxoxoxoxoxox!

  2. Hehehe, CLH has been bugging me to write about the proposal fic, but I haven't got around to that. But i have the M for the first night, and also the baby fic. Oh i just noticed that I haven't fixed one link, it's still linked to my old site. Will fix it now!

    Thanks a lot, Hannah!

  3. Glad to find this blog. Just a bit late for me. And i really like the story Clh 84. Already read all your fanfic. Just tought if you could write it more and put siu ching got crush with somebody else before they merried

  4. Hahaha! That’s a good idea! If SSC has a crush, it would be with Fell Cut, I think, for they had quite a chemistry during her kidnapping.

    Btw, I accidentally deleted your last comment, but I couldn’t retrieve it back. Stupid Blogger. I’m so sorry for that. CLH SSC it is, if I have another writing spree.

  5. Dear Icha, i found your blog very latee.. But now i'm binge reading all posts about CLH over and over again. I decided to track down my fave wuxia couple of Michael and Barbara, and very glad to stumble upon your amazing blog. Thank you very much for all of your hard work. You've made a fangirl over the moon here hehe


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